*Goteburg SWEDEN

Thrilled that my alarm clock actually worked, I woke up at 5:30 am. Instantly I got on my laptop to check if anyone had written to me. For awhile I was confused as to why so many people were online at such an unearthly hour. Ha, but then I realized it was only 10:30 pm in Minnesota and that no one had even slept yet. After a quick breakfast of an egg and some bread I headed to the train station. Still dark and drizziling the weather wasn't ideal, but I was excited to get out for a change. I boarded a train at 7:00 am and sat in the dining area in fear that I would have to move from a reserved seat. Luckily there was complimentary coffee onboard so I was able to enjoy the passing scenery as the sun rose. The houses are all the same style and 1 0f 4 shades, barn red, mustard yellow, navy blue, or white. Their shingles are all tin. Together with rolling fields of grasses tumbled with rocky stubbles and sparkling fjords, the view from my seat is breathtaking. I keep having to remind myslef of how lucky I am to be here.

I am amazed as to the amount of which American culture has seeped into Scandinavia. I couldn't help but giggle as I watched a grandmother giver her granddaughter car shaped crackers, the box reading "Pimp my Ride". If only she knew what that really meant. The grandaughter about 6 was also reading a teen magazine with no one other than Miley Cyrus on the cover. More than one Justin Bieber song played in H&M as I tried on a heap of clothes. When one looks down it's impossible not to notice everyone has the same shoes on. It's a pandemic of Converse shoes! Both men and women alike adore them especially in the shade of white. In fact the couple sitting across from me on the train both have them on. I also found Ramen noodles here, although they are called "American soup". HAHA
I guess I was hoping to be surrounded by a new pop culture here, but instead I'm stuck with Miley and Justin :/
The purpose of my trip today was specifically for shopping... and that is what I did. I literally shopped 'til I dropped. It's a little bit cheaper here in Sweden:
100 SEK = $13
100 NOK = $16.50
And for that reason I have changed my mind about Sweden, I LOVE SWEDEN!

I've been driving myself crazy looking for a pair of Modhea Swedish made clogs. I want a pair sooo bad. A high-heeled pair in black with a closed toe. I went to probably 20 shoe stores today asking about them. Of course they only have green or a size smaller than I need. May the search continue next week.

On the trip back from Oslo I sat next to Micheal from the Czech Republic. We had an interesting conversation about education and he gave me a bunch of travel pointers and tips for students living in Norway as he was one himself. Now we're Facebook friends so hopefully this fall as I make my way through Poland we can meet up again somewhere. I have found that if you look willing to talk, people will talk. The conversations that result are amazing, nothing close to anything that has happened to me in the states. I am so grateful to be learning so much about not only Europe but myself from the people around me.
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