Today I went shopping for a bit down town for a bit. All of the fall clothes are out now! Unfortunetly, I cannot afford them…It was fun just to look though. Later in the evening I had a great conversation with Jamie and her roommate, Magdalena, from Poland.
Oh what a day! I went to class not knowing anyone this morning and came out with a swarm of friends! It was unbelievable. I also decided to go to RUSSIA! with some girls I met today in October! I cannot believe it. I am going to Russia. Go figure? The plane tickets are booked and everything. The tricky thing about Russia though is that anyone entering the country needs a tourist visa. So tomorrow I will have to go down town to the Russian Embassy and apply for one. It only takes about a week and costs only $30. We’re flying into Latvia, taking a bus to Moscow, a train to St. Petersburg, and a bus to Estonia! Cannot believe it!
In the evening we had some friends over for dinner. We made tacos. I didn’t think anything of it. It was almost all of their first times having a taco! Geese! I had to show them how to put the toppings on and how to wrap it. Haha. Once again we ate way too much, but this time we talked it off.

I cannot sleep during the night I am so excited about all of my trips I have planned! This morning I woke up at 5! I grabbed my things and headed out the door in attempts to get my Russian visa. I had a new passport photo take in which I look like I just killed someone. I also filled out the Russian visa application and printed off our itinerary. The Russian embassy is a little scary to be honest. There were people yelling at each other and a flickering light in the lobby. I was informed that I needed an officially stamped invitation from my hotel. Great… I was also informed that the cost of the visa was $100. Also, great… But I have decided that even with that extra cost and hastle I still want to go. I mean, really, how many people to you know that have been to Russia? Now I have to wait until the other girls get back from their weekend trip to Copenhagen to confirm we’re still all going to Russia, because I cannot go by myself.
That night I skyped my family, Aunt Pat, Uncle Jerry, and Grandma too! It was so good to see everyone. After seeing them I decided to book my flight home. I’ll be Minnesotan again, December 28th at 3:30 pm. I’m also in the process of trying to convince my mother to either come visit me or let Hillarie come visit me. Please, please, please!!!
Today we all woke up and headed to Akker Brygge. We walked around the canal area, saw the Nobel Peace eternal flame and enjoyed the sunshine. We were all craving icecream so we stopped at McDonalds, yeah, yeah, I know… I got a strawberry milkshake and for once it was American sized! That afternoon we went to the changing of the guard at the fortress and had a guided tour.

During the evening Mirjam, Amanda, and I decided to go to a Traffikatan Fest (You wear Red is your taken, Green if your single, and yellow if maybe). We figured out after arriving at 10 that Norwegians don’t actually show up until round midnight. So we spent most of the night at a table until the party started. I also ran into some other friends there which was great. I already have people begging me to come visit them from all over the world, Singapore to Mexico!
A lazy, lazy day after a late night. All I did was read, nap, clean, nap, eat, and return to bed for a busy week ahead.
We’re heading to Bergen Tuesday night:
Tue 07. Sep 16:07 - Arrive in Myrdal 20:45 4 h 38 min
*For the best experience, camping under the open sky or in a tent is recommended. According to the Norwegian right to access, you may stay for up to two nights in one spot in uncultivated land if you keep away from houses and other buildings and out of the way of other people, provided that you leave no trace. If you move far away from people, you can stay for as long as you want.
Wed 08, Sep
Depart 9:39 via Flamsbana Arrive in Flam 10:35
* Adults Nok 240 (%30 discount with Eurail passes -168 NOK)
13:30 Start hiking towards Grindaflethytta (4 hours tops)
Thurs 09, Sep
Hike to Stalheim
Take local bus to Voss
Take train from Voss to Bergen (127 NOK)
Find Will
Fri 10, Sep
Sat 11, Sep
Sun 12, Sep
Depart Bergen 15:58
Arrive at Oslo S 22:32
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