Saturday, July 17, 2010


I cannot believe I woke up in Malin's house this morning!!! Absolutley felt like I was still dreaming. Constant chatter filled the day... with the occasional yawn :) We had breakfast around noon, got ready and headed to the mall. There we stopped and said hello to Stian an work and did a little clothes shopping. SHopping here is overwhelming! You may see something you like, but then you have to figure out what size you would be, and then who knows how much it even costs is USD. We didn't buy much. We also went to the grocery store. LOVED THAT. I'm very excited to learn about different food while I am here with Malin. Hopefully I wont have to survive on hotdogs and bread since I have no idea what most of the packaging reads. I'm learning though! Today I translated a phrase on soem chocolates... "Full av Fristeleser"... "Full of Temeptations". We also met a couple of Malin's friends today. Malin bought us some NORVegiea cheese, brown sort of odd cheese. I guess we had to try it before we left. Jill was the only one who liked it. Even the Frestads don't like it.

We're struggling a bit with electronics here. None of our converters seem to be working! I burnt out a hairdryer and my power cord for the computer dosn't even fit in the converter! I may need to call hp and order a European power cord for my computer.

For dinner we had tacos and christmas pop :) Denis also made "lava cake", as Valerie calls it.

1 comment:

  1. Just so you know all of us back here are reading this so i drank for my first time isnt that inviting -hillarie
