Malin woke the sleeping beauties around 10. AWAKE, but hardly. Again breakfast at lunch time. A million different spreads and toppings for bread. All I can say is AMAZING! Also, rolls fresh from the oven. Later we went on a drive through the country. It was amazing how skinny the roads were. I was nervous every time we approached on oncoming car. We went hiking in the remains of tunnels built during the Nazi occupation of Norway. Malins dad later told us that many prisoners of war died building those tunnels. There was an amazing view of the ocean from this place attractive to both the Nazi’s and us, for dissimilar reasons. We were able to actually go down in some of the tunnels. Exploring was fine until Valerie and Malin saw the biggest spider they had ever seen. Umm… yea.. time to go. From there we drove to the beach. Unfortunatley, today was extremely windy and a little chilly. We lounged around and chatted while Valerie looked for jelly fish to poke. Malin explained to us that although it was legal to buy a ski doo in Norway it was illegal to drive one. Good luck out there to all those Norgies driving them in the bay. For dinner we were treated to one of Malins favorites, a cheesy pasta dish and homemade ice cream with Daim! LOVE LOVE LOVE
Later Magnus came over and Malin’s little brother, Eirick , challenged us to an archery match. Although I told him he was going down, the girls were clearly the losers.
Slowly we all became a bit sleepy and settled down to watch Planet Earth and the Happy Feet.
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