Saturday night my flat mates and I had a game night complete with popcorn, potato chips (we splurged) and pepperkaker (heart shaped ginger snaps that come out at Christmas time). We played Yahtzee and Saboteur( a card game that's goal is to build a tunnel to a piece of gold... or something like that). We had a great time teaching each other how to play the games and learning more about each other along the way. As a benefit... I also won YAHTZEE! I guess I inherited my dads skills.

Monday was horrible. I had a presentation in my human geography class. I am terrified of public speech. I speant hours and hours preparing my slideshow and speech, but the second I stepped in front of the crowd my went blank and my cheeks started burning. And me being as smart as I am decided to wear heels that day (to look extra nice), I started rocking back and forth and folding and unfolding my papers. At one point I was completely lost. It lasted 20 minutes though and the grade is only pass/fail... and I passed! Thank the lord! At least it's over.
Tuesday Frank invited me to his school for an Asian Cultural even they were hostong. I went by myself because everyone else had class. The night before the Chinese had stuffed me with their delicious dumplings they were making for the event.Love them. I also tried some different teas, had my fortune read (I need to be more hard working in my studies I guess.. but luckily this can be fixed with a day of eating no meat), and tried on traditional costumes.

Last night Frank invited me over for dinner. We had rice with eggs, tomatoes, mushrooms, pork, and green peppers. He has really taught me a lot about Asian culture, especially cooking. I had been wondering why there was always a water filled pot of chicken bones on the kitchen counter. I guess bones serve as a nice broth maker for stews. And if you suck on the bone after wards, it tastes quite sweet.
I've also been in contact with Jane Pederson and Kierstin. Love 'em both! Hopefully I'll be able to contact their relatives that live here in Oslo soon. Today I also talked to Kierstin on my lunch break... in the lunch room. The guys next to me probably thought I was crazy as I talked at my computer in English and gave Kierstin a tour of the building. haha.
This Tuesday I leave for Spain! It's only supposed to be in the 50's, but I'm wearing shorts! It's been very cold here lately. I felt the shift in weather. I now believe it when the forecast says it's going to snow.
After Spain I'm spending Halloween in Oslo and then heading off to the UK for 2 weeks. I'll be seeing London, Dublin, the Cliffs of Moher, Edinburgh, and Loch Ness!!! I'm going with Lauren and Brit, fellow Americans.
Jamie and I made salmon for dinner the other night. Quite an adventure considering neither of us has even made fish. it turned out great though. We will definitely be making it again. It also didn't hurt that Julebrus(Christmas pop) has come out!

Thrilled about the fish for sure !
I finally received an email today saying that I got into my coaching program at the U! Yeah! Hopefully I'll be able to do my student coaching with the Duluth East Girls Swim Team. Oh! And speaking of them... I'd like to wish my sister good luck at their big meet this weekend down at the U. I hope you fall in love with that pool and love it as much as I did. After all that is the reason I've wanted to go to the University of Minnesota since 5th grade. haha.
I'm getting a little nervous about finals. We get one essay question and have to write 10-15 pages about it. We have 4 hours to do so. That is our entire grade! AHHHHH!
Well, back to writing papers. Love you all,
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