Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Walking in a AUTUMN wonderland

This morning I set my alarm so I could get up and go for a walk, leaving pleanty of time to study the rest of the day. I left a little after 8. It was still dark. Actually, it was dark all day. It didn't rain. It was just dark. Hm... Anyways I was walking around the lake and had nearly completed my walk. I noticed a large group of people ahead...ONLY in NORWAY are you able to walk through the scene of a film production. I guess it's a Norwegian film about curling. Those crazies were swimming in the lake with sunglasses on. I guess I'll have to wait and see it when it comes out. As for the rest of the day, possibly hillarious.
Mirjam, my room mate, ran onto the t-bane because she thought she was going to miss it. She ran in while the doors were closing. She made it... her coat didn't. So from one stop to the next she had to stand by the door holding her coat by it's sleeve. Pretty hillarious! Me and the rest of the T-bane were nearly in tears from laughing so hard.
Tonight, Mirjam taught me how to make a delicious tomato sauce from scratch. I must say I am becoming quite the cook! Others have started to notice (proof).
Now I'm sitting here trying to write a paper, while Mirjam is talking, loud, in German to her mother on skype and I can't find motivation to get off facebook.

Oh! The other night Jamie's parents skyped the entire Packers football game to us. Jamie is an all out fan. She's got a Green Bay jacket, gloves, flag, laptop...everything. I was there for the popcorn :)

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