Saturday, September 18, 2010

School Days

So many of you have expressed your concern that I'm traveling too much and that I'm not focusing on school. Thus, this post is dedicated to my academic life.
I have 3 classes here at UiO: American Literature, The North and South Divide, and Norwegian Life and Society. We never have homework. In order to succeed you have to be self driven and compel yourself to want to do and know more. This really isn't that difficult considering all 3 of the courses are pretty fascinating. I have class from 9-6 on Mondays and 10-12 on Thursdays. Apart from that, this week I spent probably 14 hours or more in the library, at home, or on a train doing research and reading for my classes. SO yes people! I am here for school. We have one paper to write for each class. This paper is graded pass/fail. In order to take the final, which is worth 100% of your grade, you must pass the paper. Currently I'm writing a paper on "The Yellow Wallpaper" and pondering a subject for my Norwegian Life and Society essay. I was thinking of doing something on the Norwegian food industry (I just watched food inc.), but all of the information on that is in Norwegian and kept quite secret. All of my Norwegian class mates thought it was weird that I was actually studying. I was the only one who came to class having read the reading and answered the study questions. I guess they don't do that until the week before the final and in the mean time spend their student loans on beer. Hmmm... not sure that's a good idea.
I've also been doing a lot of side reading and research on the places I'm traveling. The other day I was walking around the public library and I had so many books in my arms that a woman asked me if I worked there. There is so much to learn! All of this rich history and it's right beneath me.

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